


If life is a stage, you have perfectly and actively played your role, if life is a race, you have finished well and await your crown, what if life is a battle?, then you have fought a good fight and have won, if then life is a journey, you have traveled home and you deserved a very comfortable and peaceful rest. Sincerely, space will not be enough for me to talk about the life and time of my dearly beloved father and friend, a virtuous hardworking man, both in the God and humanity. Though we cannot question God, your death is a collegial loss which, we believe God will refill the vacuum, who will wake me up by Sam and tall me stories and give me advices, a treasure, rare gen, you were a man of integrity, honesty, very caring and loving, accommodative and hospitable, gentle and an adviser, and high mortal rectitude, a great leader and the eyes and mount of his people. It is quite disheartening to accept the notorious fact that we have lost you, but we are comforted by your wonderful legacies, you really lived an exemplary life and left your fingerprint on the sound of the time. Best BIOGRAPHY to a Father or Mother


Your words-encouragement will never go out from my hearth, your words of advice will never be thrown away, your good leadership style will never be forgotten from generation.

Adieu A Cheerful Giver! Adieu A Great Hero!

Adieu Nna Oha!

Adieu Nwoke Obi Oma! Adieu Eze Udo!

Adieu Papa Officer

Till we meet to part no more.

Your son

ASC-Ekpa Thomas Nwede


Good men must die but death can not kill their name. A hero is fallen the philanthropist is gone, the father of the fatherless is departed, death why are you so wicked? Death why are so heartless? Death you always refuse to human feeling death you have isfected me with pain that will forever in my mind, death how I wish there is opportunity to bring for this but in every condition, we have to give thanks to the lord says by the holy scripture) indeed is full of mystery Papa your death is a reparable loss, it is very difficult for me to believe that I will not see you again, papa you are the best father I have ever seen Aman of meek gentle excellent, kindness. A man that seeks another men progress papa I will never forget you in my life was on January 2021 by 5:00 in the morning that a great iroko tree fallen, death you have taken my joy and my power from me, death you are more than wicked but no problem. Papa why did you live me this time that I need you most why did you live in this wicked world: papa with tears where would I run to who will give me word advice as you use to do, papa who will I discuss to as we use to do, papa your death is a very big pains to Martha lam not endure papa I love you so much but our creator loves you most that is why he has chosen to call you in this time. I believe that holy scripture which says that there is time for everything a time to bom and a time to die Ecclesiastes 3,2 and people use to say that the world is not a permanent place for any human no matter how big or small, rich or poor, dark or fair, tall or short the world we are living is like a market where people go to buy things there want and when you finished buying what you want then you gotuwa bu ahia onye zucha nike ya olawajate Mr onwe James Expa has finished his own buying and selling he has no option than to go Papa sleep well bill we meet to part no more, may your gentle soul rest in bosom of the almighty God amen


Adieu onwe ocha Adieu, the great teacher Adieucman of peace

Adieu;nwaoke oma

Your lastborn Ekpa Jeremiah Oge


May I on behalf of my commiserate with you and your entire family on the demise of your dear father late chief James onwe which occurred on 9 January 2021 after a protracted illness. Death is an inevitable journey that all mortals must go through the death of a parent is a very painful loss. thank God that he died in Christ because Christians only transform to eternal glory.

Life is a stage where one comes into play and leaves the stage he has played his own part and left the stage.(death according to Williams shake spare is a necessary end that comes when it will come)we thank God that your father lived a life worthy of emulation the death of your father has left a vacuum hardly to be filled, but we urge you not to grieve as an unbeliever because it is a pilgrimage that everybody must go ones life is not determined on how long he/she lived but how well one lived I pray that, you and your siblings should emulate the good legacies your father left, as his mortal remains is committed to father earth, my prayer is that his soul shall find eternal rest in the bosom of the lord amen, we, therefore, console to bear the irreparable loss as it has pleased his creator to call him into the eternal glory where we shall meet on the resurrection morning to part no more.

Accept our heartfelt condolences



Till feels like an endless dream from which I could still wake up and see you physically) presence is al fet at every turn and every minute, the beautiful memories of a loving father and friend my true hero and mentor. The man grew up sm and love, the bow do I continue without you impeccable cause? Who is going to be r pillar of import and from who will inspiration? Who shall I call a father again?



My name is Tommy, I am a trailblazing professional zectz travel blogger, who boasts an impressive 10-year journey in the world of digital exploration. With a zest for adventure and an insatiable curiosity, I've traversed the globe, leaving a trail of captivating travel tales in their wake. As an ardent news enthusiast, I seamlessly blends their passion for current events with their travel narratives, offering readers a unique perspective on the world's most intriguing destinations. With an eagle eye for details and a nose for uncovering hidden gems, they have become a trusted source for up-to-date information and immersive storytelling. But my talents doesn't end there. As a web developer and web designer, I have honed my technical prowess, creating visually stunning and user-friendly platforms that transport readers into mesmerizing digital realms. My websites serve as virtual gateways to new worlds, inviting visitors to embark on virtual adventures even from the comfort of their own homes. Adding another layer of allure to my blog, I am also an accomplished photographer. Through their lens, they effortlessly capture the essence of each location, immortalizing fleeting moments of beauty, culture, and wonder. Their photography not only complements our writing but also serves as an artistic expression of our deep love for exploration. With a decade of experience under my belt, I expertise has earned them a dedicated following of travel enthusiasts and fellow wanderers. Our proficiency as a jack-of-all-trades, excelling in travel, news, web development, web design, and photography, sets us apart in the competitive world of travel blogging. My passion for adventure and commitment to delivering top-notch content continues to shine through our work, inspiring others to embrace the spirit of exploration and embrace the beauty of our diverse planet. As a true embodiment of a modern Renaissance blogger, I remains a true force to be reckoned with in the travel blogging sphere.

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