
She was an intercessor and motivator of spiritual  

She was an intercessor and motivator of spiritual


Fading away like the stars of the morning: Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its tolling Only be missed, though by others succeeded.


Yes, the sower must pass from their labours Oh, when the bright crowns of rejoicing are won Then shall the weary and faithful saints be glad.

Beloved Brethren, to God be the Glory, as we gather here today to bid farewell to a Godly woman of distinction, a woman of faith who lived by providential mercies of God.


On the twenty-fifth day of December, Nineteen fifty-five was heralded with the birth of a genius Daughter into the family of Chief and Madam Sambo Udo Ekanem of Epkarakwa Clan in Oruk Anam Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State.

This unique daughter was cherished, celebrated and uniquely named “Ekaette” after the distinctive and Godly Charisma of her grandmother. She was the third daughter in the family.


Late Deaconess Ekaette David Daniel attended Government Primary School Ikot Akpan Eda Where she obtained her first School leaving certificate in the Elementary School As a Child “Ekaette” a.k.a. “Nweke” as was fondly called by her parent displayed a keen and inquiring mind with a passion for excellence in educational career. However, despite her strong passion for literacy, she was denied secondary education even when she wrote and passed the entrance examination prior to the fact that, girl-child education was not widely embraced then by most parents. Nevertheless, she was excellently groomed and morally nurtured with carapace of wisdom and understanding.


Late Sister Ekaette was divinely introduced to her Husband. Rev. D. D. Udo (Rtd) in March 1973 as a gift of God which “Maketh rich and added no sorrow”.

Her Charismatic and sophisticated life style of persistence, integrity and modesty was obvious and has made the family rich spiritually, morally. numerically, materially and other-wise.

Mama’s home has been peaceful, joyful and harmonious as her husband, Children, grandchildren, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law called her blessed.

She was an intercessor and motivator of spiritual matters as it concerns the family. To the glory of God, this marriage was blessed with eleven Children with ten left behind today to bid her farewell.


Mama was a Multidexterous enterprising woman who never knew how to eat the bread of idleness.

Her Business Philosophy was that-you cannot posses what you are unwilling to pursue because success only belongs to those who plan, prepare, persist and to those who are willing to endure pains to achieve their goals.”

Therefore, with this mindset, she ventured into many businesses and occupations to achieve her dreams ranging from sewing, weaving, and making of beautiful cane-chairs, bags, to mention but a few. More so, Mama was into farming and trading in sea foods and other foodstuff businesses. Her ultimate period of rest was usually spent at her “Ikot Afang” Mama, indeed was a virtuous woman typical of one recorded in scripture in proverbs 31:10-31


Mama’s new month’s call/message for the month of November took a different shape from others: her calls went across to her children and others with strong caution for them to read the Book of Isaiah 43:1-13 meditatively and prayerfully.

However, we shall all reap of the fields in spring time which we’ve sown. Yes, the sower must pass from their labours. The body must die before the gates are open because no living being enters the hall of immortality.

On Thursday, the 4″ of November 2021 in the early hours of 4 am. The surprise and distress news of her transition was echoed. Though it sounded strange and mysterious as she was not previously ill or sick, it’s real and that’s why we are here gathered today. Nevertheless, everyone is a pilgrim here on earth. Please, do not go home distressful for we have seen the faithfulness of our God in the Life of our Beloved wife, sweet mother, and Grandmother (Mama Porokot). Whatever our lot, God has taught us to say-it is well, with our soul. Sleep on, a GREAT woman of faith


Mama is survived by:

Her Husband, Four Sons, Six Daughters, Twenty-five Grand Children, Sons In-law, Daughters In-law, Brothers In-law, Sisters In-law, Brothers, Sisters, Nephews, Nieces, Cousins and other relatives and friends bid her farewell.

The Reason For Everything

Everything comes from God Everything lives by his power, and everything is far his Glory. Because It all started with God.

Without God life has no purpose, and without purpose life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope. God is the reason for everything. We discover that meaning and purpose only when we make God the reference point of our lives The parents we had or have were the ones he chose and no matter how we may feel, they bear God’s master seal.

Beloved, nothing matters more than knowing God and living according to his purpose and nothing can compensate for not knowing. Without a purpose, life is an activity without direction or an event without reason.

Therefore, knowing your purpose simplifies your life. It gives meaning to your life and also becomes the standard and foundation on which you evaluate and prepare for eternity.

What many fail to realize is that all achievements are eventually surpassed, records broken, reputations fade and tributes all forgotten.

Even though everyone eventually dies as death always seem insurmountable and unfair. That’s not the end of the matter and you. The Bible says “when this tent-our body here on earth-is torn down, God has a house in heaven for us to live in, a home he himself made which will last forever 2Cor. 5:1

Therefore we will stand before God and he will do an audit of our life, a final exam, Meanwhile, life on earth may offer many choices, but Eternity offers only two-Heaven before we enter eternity.

If you learn to love and trust God’s son Jesus, you will be invited to spend the rest of eternity with him. On the other hand, if you reject love, forgiveness, and salvation or Hell.

Best BIOGRAPHY to a Father or Mother

you’ll be doomed forever. Now, the choice is yours because only a fool would go through life unprepared. Certainly, the capacity of human brain cannot comprehend the wonder and Greatness of God and heaven. It would be like trying to describe the internet to a day old child. The only time most people think about eternity is at funerals. Yet according to Henry Matthew, “it ought to be the business of every day, to prepare for our final day”. The world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever. 1Jn.2:17 NLT. There is more to life than just here and now The devil is mad, and I am Glad.


On behalf of the family of Rev. David Daniel Udoh of Ukpom Edem Inyang, we express our sincere gratitude to God for the successful transitory service in honour of a great woman of faith, Late Deaconess Ekaette David Daniel.

Our gratitude also goes to the family of Chief Daniel Udo Nkoro of Ukpom Edem Inyang and all our relatives for their love and support.

We are indeed grateful to Qua Iboe Church Nigeria, United Evangelical Church, founded as Qua Iboe Church, The Redeemed Christian Church of God Akwa Ibom Province 8, Dunamis Church Abuja, Gate way International Church, Port Harcourt, Full Life Gospel Centre, Abak, Omega Fire Ministry, Abuja, and other church denominations/ministers of the Gospel. Thank you Health staff, Oruk Anam Cedar Montessori School, Oruk Anam and Comprehensive Secondary School, Midim, Abak.

We especially appreciate the General Superintendent of Q.I.C. Nigeria and his dear wife Rev. & Dcns. Ekpedeme M. Effanga, all the Reverend ministers, Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, National Pastors Wives forum, women fellowship and all choir groups present. We also appreciate the village Head and his council members, the entire Ukpom Edem Inyang indigenes for their support.

To our friends, loved ones, and well wishers, we express our gratitude for your prayers, contributions both in cash and kind. May the good lord bless you richly, and grant you journey mercies to your various destinations in Jesus dear Name. Amen.



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