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How to Apply For Ezoic And Get Approved | Requirement

Learn how to apply for Ezoic and get approved quickly with this helpful guide. Find out what Ezoic is, how it works, and what you need to do to qualify for their program. Get tips on filling out the application and making sure your website meets the requirements. Apply for Ezoic today and start earning more from your website.

Ezoic also offers an ad revenue optimization tool that can help to improve SEO indirectly. By optimizing ad revenue, website owners can generate more revenue from their sites and invest in high-quality content and other SEO strategies.


Ezoic is a digital publishing platform that helps website owners and publishers to optimize their online presence and improve their revenue. The company was founded in 2010 by Dwayne Lafleur, John Cole, and former Google employee, Tyler Bishop. Ezoic has grown rapidly over the past few years and has become a leading provider of website optimization tools and services.

Ezoic’s mission is to empower website owners to make data-driven decisions that can help them grow their audience, increase engagement, and maximize revenue. The platform achieves this by offering a range of tools and features designed to improve website performance, including site speed optimization, ad revenue optimization, and user experience testing.

One of the key features of Ezoic is its artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The platform uses machine learning algorithms to analyze website data and make recommendations for improvements. For example, Ezoic can analyze user behavior and website performance data to identify which ad formats and placements are most effective for generating revenue.

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Ezoic also offers a range of site speed optimization tools, which can help to improve website load times and enhance the user experience. This includes features such as lazy loading, image compression, and content delivery network (CDN) integration.

Another important aspect of Ezoic is its ad revenue optimization tools. The platform can help website owners to increase their ad revenue by testing different ad formats, placements, and ad networks. Ezoic can also help to improve ad viewability, which can increase the likelihood of users clicking on ads and generating revenue.

Ezoic offers a range of user experience testing tools as well. This includes A/B testing, which allows website owners to test different variations of their website to see which version performs better. Ezoic can also conduct multivariate testing, which tests multiple variations of a website at the same time.

Overall, Ezoic is a powerful platform that offers a range of tools and features to help website owners and publishers optimize their online presence. The platform’s use of AI technology and data-driven insights make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their website performance and generate more revenue.

How to Apply for Ezoic Program

How to Apply For Ezoic And Get Approved
how to apply for Ezoic and get approved

Applying for the Ezoic program is a simple process. Follow the steps below to apply for the Ezoic program:

  1. The first thing you need to do is to Go to the Ezoic official website at www.ezoic.com and click on the button or link “Get Started” on the homepage.
  2. Fill out the ezoic registration form by providing your existing email address such as; Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook or Yandex email and make sure you choose a password that you will remember always. Like we said is better you choose to sign up using your Google account or other options.
  3. Once you have signed up, you will be directed to the Ezoic dashboard. From here, you can add your website to the Ezoic platform.
  4. To add your website, click on the “Add Site” button and enter the domain name of your website.
  5. Next, you will need to connect your website to the Ezoic platform. You can do this by adding a piece of code to your website’s header section or by using a plugin.
  6. Once your website is connected to the Ezoic platform, Ezoic will begin to optimize your site for ad revenue, site speed, and user experience.
  7. You can then start to monitor your website’s performance using the Ezoic dashboard. The dashboard provides detailed analytics and insights into your website’s performance, including revenue, traffic, and user behavior.

It’s important to note that not all websites are eligible for the Ezoic program. Ezoic requires websites to meet certain criteria, such as having a minimum of 10,000 monthly sessions and complying with Google AdSense policies. If your website meets these criteria, you can apply for the Ezoic program and start to benefit from the platform’s optimization tools and services.

Ezoic Review

Here is a review of the Ezoic platform, including its features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.



Ezoic offers a range of features designed to help website owners optimize their site for ad revenue, site speed, and user experience. Some of the key features of the Ezoic platform include:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) technology:

    Ezoic uses machine learning algorithms to analyze website data and make recommendations for improvements.

  • Ad revenue optimization:

    Ezoic can help website owners increase their ad revenue by testing different ad formats, placements, and ad networks.

  • Site speed optimization:

    Ezoic offers a range of site speed optimization tools, such as lazy loading, image compression, and CDN integration.

  • User experience testing:

    Ezoic provides A/B testing and multivariate testing to help website owners optimize the user experience of their site.


There are several benefits to using the Ezoic platform, including:

  • Increased revenue:

    Ezoic’s ad revenue optimization tools can help website owners increase their revenue by testing different ad formats, placements, and ad networks.

  • Improved user experience:

    Ezoic’s user experience testing tools can help website owners optimize the user experience of their site, which can lead to increased engagement and lower bounce rates.

  • Site speed optimization:

    Ezoic’s site speed optimization tools can help to improve website load times, which can improve user experience and SEO rankings.

  • AI-driven insights:

    Ezoic’s use of AI technology allows for data-driven insights and recommendations for improvements, which can help website owners make informed decisions about their site.


There are some potential drawbacks to using the Ezoic platform, including:

  • Cost:

    Ezoic charges a percentage of ad revenue generated through the platform, which can be a significant expense for some website owners.

  • Learning curve:

    Ezoic’s platform can be complex and may require some time to learn and fully utilize all of its features.

  • Eligibility requirements:

    Not all websites are eligible for the Ezoic program, as there are minimum traffic requirements and compliance with Google AdSense policies.

Ezoic is a powerful platform that offers a range of tools and features to help website owners optimize their online presence. The platform’s use of AI technology and data-driven insights make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their website performance and generate more revenue. However, the potential costs and learning curve should be taken into consideration before deciding to use the platform.

How to Apply For Ezoic And Get Approved

Getting approved for the Ezoic platform requires meeting certain eligibility criteria and following the application process. Here are the steps you can take to increase your chances of getting approved for the Ezoic program:

  1. Meet the eligibility criteria:

    Ezoic requires websites to meet certain criteria, such as having a minimum of 10,000 monthly sessions, being compliant with Google AdSense policies, and having a significant amount of content.

  2. Ensure your website is fully functional:

    Make sure your website is fully functional and accessible to users, with no broken links, errors, or technical issues.

  3. Optimize your website for user experience:

    Prioritize the user experience of your website by ensuring that it is easy to navigate, has a clear design, and provides valuable content.

  4. Increase your website traffic:

    Ezoic requires a minimum of 10,000 monthly sessions, so work on increasing your website traffic through SEO, social media, and other marketing efforts.

  5. Apply for the Ezoic program:

    Once your website meets the eligibility criteria, you can apply for the Ezoic program by filling out an application form on the Ezoic website. Provide accurate information about your website and its traffic, and follow the instructions for connecting your website to the Ezoic platform.

  6. Wait for approval:

    Ezoic’s approval process can take up to a few days or even a week, so be patient and wait for a response. If you are approved, you can start using the platform’s optimization tools and services to improve your website’s performance and generate more revenue.


That getting approved for the Ezoic program is not guaranteed, and meeting the eligibility criteria is just the first step. You will also need to follow Ezoic’s policies and guidelines, comply with Google AdSense policies, and optimize your website for user experience and ad revenue in order to get the most out of the platform.

Hope you learned more about how to apply for Ezoic and get approved.

If you don’t understand how to apply for Ezoic and get approved kindly leave a comment by using the comment section.

Check also: How to Apply for PlayWire: Steps for Publishers and Advertisers


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